Assorted Web Resources for Teachers

The ComPADRE Digital Library is a network of free online resource collections supporting faculty, students, and teachers in Physics and Astronomy Education. Instructors should be sure to check out their Physics Source page as well as their Physics Front page.

Flash Animations for Physics
This website contains a collection of physics flash animations that are listed by topic. There are some AWESOME animations to use during lecture although it is getting harder and harder to use Flash these days :(

Workshop Tutorials for Physics
This site contains a collection of worksheets with solutions and activities for all areas of physics.

Activity Based Physics Thinking Problems
The website contains links to a collection of problems which attempt to link a student's qualitative understanding of concepts with specific problems.

Context Rich Problems
This site is designed to be an introduction to context rich problems. Check out the on-line archive of context rich problems where you can find context rich problems for many topics in introductory physics.

MERLOT Physics
An online collection of Physics teaching and learning resources that includes: links to member-selected learning materials, peer reviews of high quality materials, and teaching experiences of MERLOT members

Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement
A collection of hundreds of single concept lessons in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. There are almost 200 single concept lessons for Physics.

Physics Demo Videos
Collection of videos of physics demonstrations. These videos are from Wake Forrest University.

Physics Demonstration Resources Online
A collection of physics demonstration resources available online compiled by the University of Texas.

Physics Lessons meets many of the informational needs of today's busy science teacher. It quickly connects you to lessons, news, and much more.

The University of Maryland PERG
This is the homepage of The University of Maryland Physics Education Research Group.  UMPERG is a combined effort of the Physics Department and School of Education to study the learning and teaching of physics at all levels from elementary school to the graduate level.

The Physics Front
The Physics Front provides high quality resources for the teaching of physics and physical sciences courses. This site is mostly aimed at high school teachers but it has some useful information for all levels of physics.

Physics Education Research Papers
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research is a peer reviewed electronic-only journal which covers the full range of experimental and theoretical research on the teaching and/or learning of physics.