Accelerated Learning and Life Skills

3 Important Memory Principles to Help You Remember Names

In this week’s video blog, I share with you three important memory principles and how you can use them to remember people’s names. I also share with you a powerful app that I used in conjunction with these principles to quickly memorize all 100+ of my students’ names – even while in Vegas πŸ˜‰

Here is a brief recap of the video:

The three important memory principles are:

  1. Spaced repetition
  2. Active recall
  3. Association

The powerful app that I used is called Quizlet. It is a great free tool that students can use to create flash cards for studying. I highly recommend it. Note that to be able to add pictures and audio to your flash cards is a $15/year upgrade but well worth it. Be sure to watch this week’s video to learn how I used Quizlet to memorize all of my students names in less than 2 hours total study time.

I’ll be back next week with more great content so stay tuned.

Happy learning!

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