Accelerated Learning and Life Skills

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

Do you want to know one of the keys to dramatically increasing you chances of achieving any goal or quickly learning any new skill? Of course you do, who wouldn’t. Well, here it is. One of the keys to succeeding in anything is simply the belief that you can and will succeed. To paraphrase a […]

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The 5 Steps of Accelerated Learning

Accelerated Learning Techniques

Although I have had this blog for almost nine months now, I just realized that I have never specifically outlined the steps of accelerated learning in any of my previous posts. Well, now is the time to change that. Presented below is a brief summary of each of the five steps of accelerated learning. 1) […]

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5 Simple Techniques to Double Your Reading Speed

Speed Reading

The average adult reads about 250 words per minute. This is much slower than most people are capable of reading. Using a few simple but effective techniques, it is possible to increase your reading speed to 500 words per minute or faster. The five techniques presented below will allow you to double your reading speed […]

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Feed Your Brain: Ten Brain-Healthy Foods

Brain-Healthy Foods

I recently came back from a 4-day training in LA called Extreme Health, where I got the opportunity to learn from some of the best health experts on the planet. I returned from the training with a renewed motivation to eat healthier – not only for my body but also for my brain. Although on […]

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The Four Laws of Learning

4 Laws of Learning

Since final exams (or Final Celebrations as I like to call them) are next week, it seems like a perfect time for a brief post on learning and the factors that affect our ability to both learn and remember. As you study for exams, you will probably notice that you have learned some subjects much […]

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VAK Learning Strategies

In my last post, I discussed the three primary learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. If you haven’t read it yet, please take a minute to read it so you know which of the three learning styles is your preferred style. As I mentioned previously, you can not control how material is presented to you […]

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VAK Learning Styles

VAK learning styles

For my next two blog posts, I am going to share with you some valuable information about learning styles. This post will focus on the three main kinds of learning styles while my next post will teach you how to use your preferred style to learn more effectively. There are three primary ways that we […]

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Optimal Learning Space

Optimal Learning Space

Now that you know how to prepare your mind for learning, let’s take a look at preparing an optimal learning space. Where you study may not seem like a big deal, but it can actually have a significant effect on how well you learn. Here are few things for you to consider when designing your […]

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Alpha State

In my previous post, I discussed the four different kinds of brain waves and how the alpha brain wave state is the optimal state for learning. When our brain is in alpha state, we have the greatest access to our higher order thinking skills. We are in a state of relaxed focus which is perfect for learning, […]

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Brain Waves

Brain Waves

You may have heard about brain waves and that certain brain wave states are better for learning than others. So what exactly are brain waves and which kind is best for learning? I’m glad you asked because this is important stuff. Let’s briefly explore what brain waves are and learn which one is optimal for […]

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