Blog Archives
How To Ace Your Final Exams
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Apr, 30, 2015
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog No Comments.

Since finals are right around the corner for many students, I thought I would take the opportunity to make a quick ~5-minute video with some useful tips to help you ace your final exams. This month’s video blog is titled “How To Ace Your Finals Exams (5 Quick Tips in 5 Minutes)”. The video is […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, preparing to learn, successful study habitsTen Rules of Bad Studying
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Jan, 20, 2015
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog No Comments.

Wow – I can’t believe it’s been more than four months since my last blog post! I apologize for the long delay. Last semester was crazy busy for me and I chose to prioritize other things over this blog. (A quick side note: Notice the language that I used – “chose to prioritize” rather than […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, preparing to learn, successful study habits5 Common Mistakes Students Make
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Sep, 09, 2014
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog No Comments.

Since this is the beginning of the school year for most students, I thought a good topic for my very first video blog (vlog) would be the common mistakes that students make. In this brief 11-minute vlog, I outline five of those most common mistakes I have seen students make during my last 13+ years […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, preparing to learn, successful study habitsAccelerated Learning Webinar
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Aug, 09, 2014
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog No Comments.

Yesterday I had the privilege of being the guest expert on a one-hour webinar on accelerated learning techniques. It was a ton of fun, and I had a chance to test out my new computer and webcam. I think it turned out pretty well. Since the beginning of school is right around the corner, I […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, alpha state, brain-based learning, preparing to learn, successful study habitsManage Your Physical and Mental Energy
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Oct, 26, 2013
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Life Skills, Successful Study Habits
- Blog No Comments.

As a student, one of the most important skills you can have, one that will help you succeed in school and in life, is the ability to manage your physical and mental energy. Managing your energy is all about being aware of how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Have you ever tried to […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, life skills, preparing to learn, successful study habitsOptimal Learning Space
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Feb, 04, 2013
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog 6 Comments.

Now that you know how to prepare your mind for learning, let’s take a look at preparing an optimal learning space. Where you study may not seem like a big deal, but it can actually have a significant effect on how well you learn. Here are few things for you to consider when designing your […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, preparing to learnAlpha State
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Jan, 19, 2013
- in Accelerated Learning, Accelerated Teaching, Brain-Based Learning, Brain-Based Teaching, Successful Study Habits
- Blog 7 Comments.

In my previous post, I discussed the four different kinds of brain waves and how the alpha brain wave state is the optimal state for learning. When our brain is in alpha state, we have the greatest access to our higher order thinking skills. We are in a state of relaxed focus which is perfect for learning, […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, alpha state, brain-based learning, mindset, preparing to learn, state of mindBrain Waves
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Jan, 05, 2013
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog 1 Comment.

You may have heard about brain waves and that certain brain wave states are better for learning than others. So what exactly are brain waves and which kind is best for learning? I’m glad you asked because this is important stuff. Let’s briefly explore what brain waves are and learn which one is optimal for […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, alpha state, brain-based learning, mindset, preparing to learn, state of mindState of Mind
- Posted by Joe McCullough
- on Dec, 26, 2012
- in Accelerated Learning, Brain-Based Learning, Successful Study Habits
- Blog 2 Comments.

Welcome to my Accelerated Learning and Life Skills blog. I am very excited to share with you a wide variety of tips, techniques, and strategies to help you succeed in school and in life. I have been gearing up for the coming semester so accelerated learning techniques have been on my mind a lot lately. […]
Post Tagged with accelerated learning, brain-based learning, mindset, preparing to learn, state of mind