Accelerated Learning and Life Skills

Blog Archives

5 Common Mistakes Students Make

5 Common Mistakes Students Make

Since this is the beginning of the school year for most students, I thought a good topic for my very first video blog (vlog) would be the common mistakes that students make. In this brief 11-minute vlog, I outline five of those most common mistakes I have seen students make during my last 13+ years […]

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Accelerated Learning Webinar

Capture from my webinare with Gretchen

Yesterday I had the privilege of being the guest expert on a one-hour webinar on accelerated learning techniques. It was a ton of fun, and I had a chance to test out my new computer and webcam. I think it turned out pretty well. Since the beginning of school is right around the corner, I […]

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Accelerated Learning Techniques for Students update

For the faithful readers who have been following my blog, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted anything for more than 2 months. I apologize for that and hope I haven’t lost too many readers. The final push to get my book finished and published by April 10th (my self-imposed deadline) was exhausting; I […]

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Five Easy Strategies for Achieving SMART Goals – Part 2

Reach Your Goals

In Part 1 of this post, I discussed the qualities of any well-defined SMART goal. If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, please read it first by clicking here. In this post, I will share with you five strategies for achieving your SMART goals, no mater how big they may seem. 1) Believe you can […]

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Five Easy Strategies for Achieving SMART Goals – Part 1

Reach Your Goals

There are literally millions of articles, blogs, essays, mp3s, books, courses, and seminars on the topic of setting and achieving goals. I’ve taken many courses and seminars (some great and some not so great) and I’m well read on the subject. More importantly, I’ve personally experimented with many different techniques for almost two decades. I’ve […]

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How to Remember Important Dates and Numbers

I have been finishing up the memory techniques chapter from my book so memory has been in my mind a lot lately (no pun intended). I therefore wanted to share with you a quick and powerful technique for remembering date and numbers: An easy way to remember numbers is to make a sentence with the […]

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Immediately Improve Your Memory

Don't Forget!

In my last blog post, I asked you to do a simple memory test: see how many words (out of a list of 20) you can memorize in 41 seconds. If you haven’t read that post yet and taken the memory test, please click here and take the test before reading any further. Did you […]

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Memory Test Anyone?


The first two steps of accelerated learning involve preparing our state (mental, emotional, and physical) for learning and then acquiring the skills and knowledge using a variety of research-based learning techniques.  After that, the next step of accelerated learning is making sure that the information we just learned gets stored into our long-term memory. After […]

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Manage Your Physical and Mental Energy

Brain Dumbell Curls

As a student, one of the most important skills you can have, one that will help you succeed in school and in life, is the ability to manage your physical and mental energy. Managing your energy is all about being aware of how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Have you ever tried to […]

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Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

Do you want to know one of the keys to dramatically increasing you chances of achieving any goal or quickly learning any new skill? Of course you do, who wouldn’t. Well, here it is. One of the keys to succeeding in anything is simply the belief that you can and will succeed. To paraphrase a […]

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